- Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker mp4#
- Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker update#
- Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker windows#
Fixed a problem that could cause audio and video to become desynchronized when recording only a webcam and a microphone.Fixed a bug that could prevent Transitions' name from being shown when multiple media are selected.Fixed a crash that could occur if a user tried to make a thumbnail before Camtasia fully loaded.Fixed a crash that could occur during production.
Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker update#
Fixed bug that caused the canvas not to update when a color change is canceled.Fixed bug that allowed marketing messages to appear during recordings.Fixed crash when double clicking in the recent project list in the Welcome Window.
Fixed bug that could prevent Quiz/Marker tray state from being remembered. Fixed bug that led to users' Event Logs being generated too often by logging. Fixed bug that could cause unexpected caption alignment. Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker mp4#
Fixed bug that could prevent some valid mp4 files from being imported. Fixed hang that could occur when playing the same media on the Canvas and the Media Bin preview at the same time. Fixed bug that could cause captions to fail to import from Powerpoint. Fixed crash that could occur when turning off auto-normalization. Fixed bug that could cause some media to be missing from productions when producing to Video Review or Knowmia. trec file from being imported when the webcam had been in use by another application. Fixed bug that could prevent Camtasia from detecting that an update was available. Fixed UI alignment in Behaviors Properties menu. Fixed bug that caused projects exported to Knowmia to include project duration that included disabled tracks. Startup crashes now give users more information about what led to the crash. Admins can now remove Export destinations when using the Deployment Tool. Added tooltip to Start Voice Narration button. Removed the temporary track at the top of the timeline a new track now appears when media is dragged to that location. Added additional options to the TechSmith Smart Player. De lijst met veranderingen sinds versie 2020.0.8 ziet er als volgt uit: Camtasia (Windows) 2020.0.13 Voor meer informatie verwijzen we naar deze pagina, waar de mogelijkheden op een rijtje worden gezet. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een video over de werking van een bepaalde applicatie die met een voice-over wordt toegelicht, of een PowerPoint-presentatie samengevoegd met een opname van een lezing. Dit programma maakt het mogelijk om op een eenvoudige manier video's te maken voor trainingen en presentaties. Camtasia 2018 advance playhead to next marker windows#
TechSmith heeft versie 2020.0.13 van Camtasia voor Windows uitgebracht, de macOS-versie zit al op 2020.0.12 die twee weken geleden verschenen is.